Thursday, January 2, 2020

Emotional Awareness, Therapeutic Strategies & Mediation Solutions Programs

Message of Love Wednesday, January 16, 2013 SOS Message of Love SOS: Save Our Selves / Save Our Students/ Save Our Societies * Message of Love I Am introducing my idea for: Emotional Awareness, Therapeutic Strategies & Mediation Solutions Programs Creating a strong foundation to grow from is what I believe Emotional Awareness, Therapeutic Strategies & Mediation Solutions Programs for Preschool, Head Start, Kindergarten, Elementary School Systems & beyond will accomplish. These skills have the ability to benefit children though-out their entire lives. This type of program has the potential to be a helpful resource for children to have. Seeing emotions as a functional part in children's education & acknowledging the equal importance of educating & enriching the analytical & emotional aspects of learning. Not all children express their pain. Some internalize it. Some do not have outlets. With therapy seen as a stigmas in some eyes, some parents wont get help for themselves or their children. That is not healthy for all involved. Learning skills for healthy emotional balance, self expression & communication can have high therapeutic value. How do I ask the world to change without making them angry? how do I teach a world to love people when they are willing to hurt, abuse, kill themselves and kill others with their hands with no empathy no second thought and enjoying it? How do I get people to look at themselves? How do I heal the sick of mind and body when people wont accept help or cant afford help? How can I heal their spirits with hope and love? How do I show them the good the are, the good in the world, the good that can be? How do I make them feel understood accepted & loved? How do I create balance amongst all? How do I prevent their pain? How do I ask hate groups to stop hating when they represent their hate on purpose? How do I ask the rich to share with the poor so they don’t have to suffer? How do I ask people to stop having war when they keep picking scabs and or further wounding? How can I stop the unrest pain and hopelessness of many? How do I make them smile and go onward in a positive manner? How can I help them all? I want everyone to be free to love life. For people to feel loving, happy, & peaceful. If you walk in love you walk with a purpose of making things better. All the good everyone does everywhere matters. All the love everyone gives matters. From giving a compliment to establishing treaties. It all matters. I would like people to achieve balance. I would like the weight of the past that has been on the shoulders of so many to be lifted. I want the fear in the hearts of many to stop. I want love to return to the hearts of everyone who has forgotten how to love. So much possibility and love can be created for so many with changes of heart. There needs to be healing for many. Help for the sick of mind and body. If that could be achieved in every person it could create ripples for a balanced and loving world. Thinking these questions over and over I brainstormed and came up with the idea for Emotional Awareness, Therapeutic Strategies & Mediation Solutions Programs. I believe it will help. I have personally experienced good advice, compliments and help during different times in my life that has helped me. The right advice or a loving word at the right time has the potential to change someone’s life. Their mindset can change, effecting their mood, choices, and actions. It is powerful. When most of us are young we learn things like: playing nice, getting along with others, helping each other, sharing & that we should enjoy your childhood. The fact is we can all play nice, get along, help each other & enjoy our time. This type of education has the ability to be a tool for the prevention of violence, stopping the creation or exacerbation of mental health conditions & opening up people's eyes that there are options for living a more harmonious & healthier life. The hope of this is that each person utilizing their ability to be a positive influence on each other. Teaching & learning how to heal themselves & others. It creates a strong current of love energy. With people being good examples for children they will learn how they benefit from listening, speaking, learning information, creating from their minds and by their hands. Healthy methods of coping and creating outlets causes progress not derailment. Positive intent, focus, rumination & comforting yourself & others is important. Establishing a better environment for all people in their individual and shared collective experiences. Including the individual actions/ reactions and its effects on the relationship with self, all other relationships involved. People learning they have the ability to reestablish ownership with the choices they make can have a profound effect on what situations are formed . This style of education will help to control Triangulations on an individual basis, helping each person individually and the lives of all collectively by creating a flow of awareness and a neutralization of negative emotions. Learning how to deal with emotions in a constructive manner by channeling it into a creative activity, some form of exercise, education, healing arts or other ventures could prove to be fruitful. The healing of self and working towards balance of & removing road blocks created by themselves or others.There are detours to use to get back on the path. Everyone is intelligent. Believe you can learn, get better, and that you make a difference. Sharing the love you have is far more valuable than stuff. Love unlike stuff doesn't break, it can't be stolen & it is never wasted. Don't worry life has a way of working things out, regardless of situation there is always a way. With an attitude of positivity, and choosing healthier reactions it can stop the poison of negative emotions from depleting peoples energy and breeding negativity. Nurturing the mental, physical and emotional well being can be something everyone can do. Patience, forgiveness, not hurting yourself and or others, consideration & acceptance are helpful in maintaining peace. Cultivating positive internal and external emotional reactions, developing coping strategies, adaptive qualities, & tuning into empathic understanding of self and others. The acknowledgement that everyone has emotional aspects of their existence that needs tending to would be a universal help. Respecting the lives of people here now would be a great for people to do.( ALSO: animals, nature & the people of the future). It would be better if people were remembered not for their pain they cause or were given, but for their love they gave and received. No one is 100 percent bad, regardless if people think that way or if thats what others think of them. Love has touched their lives and resides in them regardless of who rejects it. Love is everyone's true nature. The people who do bad things can stop doing bad things. They have the ability to change for the better. Love is everyone's true nature. They can find their way back. So many people have pushed the boundaries of reality and were led by love, by intelligence, by streaming flowing energy of the water of creation that flows in all. Do you feel the flow? Do you feel the current? Calm your crashing seas. It is all energy. Every last bit of it. Empathy can be more intense for some people Learning to adjust regardless of what happens.For the good of one and all. Do you wrap yourself in a blanket of loving memories? do you light your path with ideas? Do you concentrate on what you love and what you enjoy? Do you take an interest in learning? Do you acknowledge your ability to do amazing things? Living in this reality I know its not just day dreams, dreams at night, thoughts, ideas, memories, prayers, hopes, goals, information, experiencing the senses, adaptation, evolution, simplification, accomplishment etc. It's not just mental, physical, spiritual or emotional. It is all of that and so much more. There is such good in the world. There is always more to be done & that is a good thing. Right now we are creating memories, remembering memories, having ideas, making plans & participating in actions that have the potential to make things better. It is amazing how we can all create things from thin air like art, music & conversation. It is beautiful. When someone grows a garden they bring different elements together. We do that in different aspect of our lives. Some of those elements are water ( emotional flow), sunlight (energy), seeds (ideas) , roots (communication), growth (physical, mental, emotional, analytical work) , & complimenting the processes ( take part, pitch in, create & celebrate.) This is what I want to see inspired by this program. Enough people have suffered enough pain that we should know hurting and killing doesn't solve anything. Wouldn't it be nice if the people who create diseases and do negative things would have changes of heart and create cures for illnesses and heal people instead. They would be appreciated and remember for the good they do. Their actions reverberating out to others and echoing into the lives of everyone that follows forever in a good way. Life is like a kaleidoscope always new, always changing & it can be beautiful to behold. Education should be fun, enriching and helpful. Children who enjoy learning are more likely to be better in technology, science, math, engineering, creative work, health, etc .Access to libraries, computer use and educational programing ( in school and at home) is important. Having the possibility of becoming more likely to be and stay interested in learning. This could make them more likely to enjoy school. Doing better & trying harder than they may have because they are stronger within themselves. This making them more likely to go to college, find a career where they get along with others and enjoy the lives they make . This could create more businesses because of people having learned abilities to better communicate with others. People would be more likely to choose careers in healing, education & information also. They will have the skills for empathy. With the existence of the mind body connection this program can help many people with emotional and physical illnesses to treat themselves better & making it more likely they have empathetic doctors. Health insurance would pay out less because of the health benefits of dealing with emotions in a healthy & constructive manner. Less people may end up abusing drugs, going to jail, prison, committing crimes & more.They can be helped. A program like this could create jobs for many fields including the mental health field. It can become be a proponent for peace & a way for us to unify in love. We can unlearn & relearn.We can pull out the roots of negativity instead of letting the hate grow with anger, frustration, hate or sadness.We can plant love in the gardens of everyone's minds, unlocking the doors of peoples hearts and preventing a lot of suffering. People can change by choice. Everyone has many choices. Habits can be broken, routines can be adjusted, schedules can be changed, and so can people. The time everyone has here is unpredictable, not always knowing what is next can be excited. You are living! So many people want to live & live happily. Do not fear. Be enthusiastic. Enjoy your time. The when, why, how, who, where, what and endless amount of detail from this world is all wrapped up in each individual projected experience that streams out of light and flows with sound. Everyone learning how to debate peacefully and come up with conflict resolution in a healthy verbal manner would be helpful. Not allowing our bodies and minds to be projections or tools of hate but instruments for evolution, revolution, education, healing & advancement would be a catalyst for change. Love is life. Each person is one & together we are one. There is a blossoming of the world at large. My hopes is that The Governments, The School Systems and the field of Psychology can come together in manifesting the Emotional Awareness, Therapeutic Strategies & Mediation Solutions Programs to make a brighter future for everyone With love always, Michelle Cuccia

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Have fun

I am

I am Michelle Cuccia.
Proponent & Progressor of Peace, Freedom, Equality, Love, Empathy, Emotional Education & Peace. An Idea Factory, Writer, Artist, Singer, Fashion Lover, Photographer,Researcher, Freelance thought processor, the Creator of the party mentality (which is having your best time possible while lifting others the party never ends it only evolves.) Also Brainstorm cleanup and so much more



I love rainy days